Gabbin’ in The Blog Cabin

13 05 2008

How apropos that everything starts with “that first post”. Whether it’s the post in your lintel or that post in a ‘good fence’, – the Druids, the Mayans and the frontier cowboy all knew the importance of that first post as something to build on. …A future.
And this is Fallingwalter’s first post.

Fallingwalter is a cheeky, low-rent nod to architecture aficionados and Frank Lloyd Wright devotees with a sense of history and humour.

Over the next ‘several posts’ we’re hoping to build something. A picture of Walt.
What Walt is, where Walt comes from and where Walt is going.

As we embark on renovations, both putting up and tearing down (posts, walls, ‘what-have-you’) we’re hoping to chronicle some of the ups and downs we encounter along the way.

We have scant details about the past and are at present more concerned with future, but there are many things to uncover about this unique house in the west end of Toronto, located at 423 Silverthorn Ave.  I’m hoping we can discover some of them together.

Fallingwalter plaque
